What preschool learning themes can I use to teach my toddler the letter F?
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Make the Letter
To practice the letter F, write several letters on a whiteboard along with a few Fs. Have your child erase all of the letter Fs.

Learning Notebook
Color the big objects yellow and the small objects green.

Toddler Trays

Stick feathers into playdough to make a rooster. Or glue feathers onto a rooster picture.

Draw a barn on an empty toilet paper tube. Cut the tube into 4 “beads.” Put “beads” onto skewer stuck in playdough to make the barn.

Sort toy farm animals from plastic bugs using tongs.

Trace your toddler’s hand twice. Color one hand pink and the other white with black spots. Add heads on the thumbs and add tails and googly eyes to make a pig and cow.

Tape animal pictures to cups. Have pompoms in a bowl. Roll a die and use a melon baller to give each animal the right number of “food” (pompoms).

Tray Printables
First, cut the animals out before we starting so your child will just have to glue. Have your toddler glue the animals onto the right numbers.

Find some plastic farm animals to match to some of the Montessori 3 Part Cards included in the Toddler Curriculum.

Letter Activities
There are several letter activities you can do for the letter F. A collage with feathers is one of the most fun activities. Just cover the letter F with feathers!

We loved reading Rooster Can’t Cock-a-doodle-doo. I’m not sure he really understood why it was funny, but he loved saying cock-a-doodle-doo over and over.
Letter F Craft
This cotton ball sheep activity is a classic, yet it seems to entertain every kid who does it.

Sensory Bin
We used uncooked oatmeal for the base of this F sensory bin.
Go here to read more about out ABC Sensory Bins.