Where can I find a toddler homeschool curriculum to teach the letter E?
This week our theme is E is for extinct. This theme gave us the chance to explore dinosaurs, fossils, and wooly mammoths. This theme is a hit for most toddlers. They have so much fun digging for bones in the sensory dirt and making “fossils” in playdough. If your toddler is really curious, be sure to check out my Toddler Curriculum. It’s only $19.99 and includes lesson plans that are perfect for casual learning at home, daycare lesson plans, or a complete toddler homeschool curriculum.
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(Go here to read about appropriate ages for this curriculum)
Make the Letter
For this week you can use a sandpaper letter to learn the letter E. The rough texture is interesting for a toddler. Check out my post on how to make your own DIY sandpaper letters.

Learning Notebook
This coloring page is will have your toddler color the uppercase Es orange and the lowercase Es blue. This printable and more are included in the Toddler Curriculum.

Toddler Trays

Dig in sensory dirt to find plastic bones. Use a paintbrush to find the bones like a paleontologist.

Make different sizes of bones from clay or salt dough. Once dry, match to the printable (included in curriculum).

Cut the horns and glue them onto the dinosaur. (printable in curriculum)

Fine Motor
Print eggs and matching dinosaurs. Tape eggs to large Velcro hair rollers. Tape dinosaurs to smaller rollers. Take dinosaurs out of matching eggs and put back again. (printable included)

Make small “fossils” from clay and once dry put in a bowl. Put an egg tray on the toddler tray. Put one “fossil” in each egg tray opening using tweezers.

Tray Printables
You can get these alphabet stamps on amazon, they became a quick favorite in our house and our toddler still gets excited when I pull them out. This printable and more are included in the Toddler Curriculum.

Letter Activities
Help your toddler make the letter E using the pattern block E page. You can lay out just the pattern blocks he needs, which make it a little easier for them to learn to do it themselves. you can get the pattern block page from Confessions of a Homeschooler.

Dinosaur Roar is a big favorite in our house and it went perfectly with this week’s theme of E is for extinct. We read this and lots of other books about extinct animals this week.
Letter E Craft
The craft for the letter E was making impressions in playdough (or clay) to make “fossils.” My toddler was really intrigued by the cool shape his toy train made in the playdough.

Sensory Bin
Our sensory bin base for the letter E was aquarium gravel. This is always a huge favorite. Let your toddler do a lot of free play in the sensory bin this week. Read more about our ABC sensory bins here.