What is a cut and paste activity my child can do that will teach shapes?
I’ve been itching to do some cut and paste and activities with Smiley Man for awhile and I realized it would be the perfect activity for practicing shapes. Smiley Man is way too young to use scissors by himself, but he does like to use them when I help him. And he LOVES using glue sticks. He doesn’t necessarily use them correctly, but it takes time to learn. I made some shape sorting color, cut, and paste pages and they are a great way to teach shapes.
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Of course, when it came time for picture taking, Smiley Man was no longer excited about this cut and paste and activity and he refused to do pictures. Luckily, these are also a great to teach shapes to kids of all ages, so I had my preschooler, Little Bear do the pictures instead.
There are four cut and paste shape sorting pages. I suggest doing one at a time and if your child is older (preschool or Kindergarten age) and wants to do another page, then let them do another page.

This color, cut, and paste activity is very simple. Just cut out the squares on the bottom of the page. Next, glue them onto the correct side of the sorting chart. If you child wants to color the shapes, then have him color them.

This activity is wonderful because it give practice in so many different areas. You child is learning shapes and what they each look like. He or she is also learning how to sort or discriminate differences which is a very important math skill. And of course, you child is getting some great fine motor practice by cutting and gluing.

I was excited about how these cut and paste pages work so well for toddlers and preschoolers. Granted, my toddler needs a lot of help with the cutting, gluing, and even with the sorting. I make sure to talk a lot about the differences between the shapes and why each shape goes in a certain place. Little Bear loves doing this page all by himself and I love that he gets practice strengthening his fine motor skills and practice with sorting. Enjoy the shape sorting cut and paste activity!