This color game is about as easy as it gets. Get a bag (a grocery bag, brown paper bag, or a gift bag will all work fine) and write a color on the front with a colored marker. Explain that you will be going on a treasure hunt to find as many things as you can that are the same color as the color on the bag. Tell your toddler that you will put any objects that you can find into the bag.
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Now, go around your house and find as many things as you can that are the same color as the color on the bag.
Continue until you have a bag full of items for each color. When you play this with your toddler, you can do two colors a day. You can save the bags of objects for the color game. Also, you will need several small (fist size or smaller) objects for that color game so make sure to find a bunch of those in each color. You can also find some bigger objects for each color just to make things more interesting.

Another benefit of this color activity was that it provided lots of gross motor movement. Since the weather here is terrible, gross motor activities are highly sought after.