What is a preschool graphing activity my child can do that will teach counting?
I have done a few activities with dot markers and dice (candy cane math) and Little Bear has always loved them. I figured it was time to do another dot marker and dice activity and I realized that a preschool graphing activity was the perfect way to do that. I used our set of do-a-dot markers for this activity.
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If you are in the market for dot markers, we love our do-a-dot markers and I highly recommend them. Check out the full review here. We have also tried Walmart’s paint dab markers, which we did not love. That review is here. You don’t have to use dot markers for this game though. You could use pompoms, beads, stickers, glass gems, buttons, colored pasta, etc.

This preschool graphing activity also uses some dice, which makes it even more of a math activity. Feel free to download the graph I made here! To play the game, start by filling each box in the bottom row with one color dot marker.

Next, roll one die (we put ours in a small container so that it doesn’t get lost). Now, make that many dots in the column with the same color of dot maker. Continue until you have finished all of the colors.

This math worksheet is perfect for preschoolers because it is fun and it teaches graphing. If your child is new to counting, this is also a great way to teach counting. Doing a preschool graphing activity is a sure way to help your child succeed in Math in the future. By doing preschool graphing, your child will learn to record data, differentiate between columns, and interpret data. Adding the dice to the preschool graphing activity makes it even more math-related by adding a counting element.

As long as you have some dice and dot markers (or pompoms, beads, or stickers), this game is a snap to prepare. You can print the worksheet twice, do one worksheet with your child and then let him or her do another alone.