This post has a great foam shape sorting activity that will help your toddler practice their shapes. You can find a big bag of foam shapes at many dollar stores. It’s best to find one that has a pretty fair assortment of thin, thick, big and small shapes. They aren’t always as assorted as one might like. They often have too few thick pieces and too many thin pieces. But just choose the best option available to you.
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These shapes will make the perfect busy bag!
Make the Busy Bag
Start by going through the bag and finding several basic shapes in as many colors and sizes and you can find. Some of the shapes might need trimming before you add them to the busy bag, but most won’t need that. Put about 8 of each shape and include circles, squares, diamonds, rectangles and triangles. Put all the shapes into the bag and it is read to play with!
Playing with your Toddler
To use the busy bag, show your toddler how to put all of the different shapes into different piles. For some toddlers, it might be easier to do just one shape at a time (find all of the circles and put them into a pile, then find all of the diamonds and put them into a pile, etc.).
This is a great activity for keeping your toddler busy while you take care of other things. However, if they just want to play with the shapes, that’s good, too.