These Montessori-inspired toddler trays are so easy to adapt different ideas to match whatever theme we are currently working on.
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Shape Game for Triangles: Find the Shape
Print off the table size printable from our Find the Shape game. Check out the original post for instructions on how to play.
Decorate a Triangle: Colored Rice
Get the printable from this post about Teaching Shapes by Decorating Shapes.
This tray for toddlers has two small glass bowls. One bowl is filled with green triangle pattern blocks. Have your toddler pour the pattern blocks from one bowl to the other and then back again.
Make some simple number cards for this tray. To do this activity, have your child put one triangle on a number as they say that number. Then, they put a triangle on the next number as they say that number, etc.
This tray had a piece of white paper, several paper triangles, a paintbrush, and some homemade mod podge. Have your toddler make a collage with the paper triangles and to practice gluing using a paintbrush and mod podge.
Fine Motor
This tray has several pipe cleaner pieces that your child can use to make triangles. If your child has difficulty, you can make two sides of the triangle and I let your toddler put the last piece on.
Your toddler will love the Learning Notebook printables that went along with these toddler school trays. If you want you can change the trays every week but if you don’t want to change the trays that often you can switch them every two weeks.