Since my preschooler has really been enjoying my toddler’s gardening toddler trays I put together some gardening activities for preschoolers. If you have a preschooler this a great way to introduce them to gardening, but also give them a way to study and learn.
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This fun color, cut, and paste page is built off of the idea that there are different vegetables in each row. It is perfect for preschool, but honestly, it is simple enough that an older toddler could also complete it. To complete the page, just cut out each of the vegetables (with the dotted lines) at the bottom of the page.

Then, glue the vegetables into the correct row. There is empty space in different places in each row to make it just a bit more challenging.

If the printable is printed in black and white, have your child color the whole paper once they vegetables are cut and pasted into the right row.

This was a fun color, cut, and paste page. We hope your preschooler enjoys this garden cut and paste just as much as we did!