15 Toddler Activities Using Table Scatter

I was at the dollar store the other day and saw a package of some cute pumpkin table scatter. I snatched it up without even thinking because I knew I could use it for all kinds of activities. So, today I’m going to show you the many wonderful ways you can use table scatter (also called vase fillers or math manipulatives).

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Learn how to use these table scatter activities to teach toddlers math

If you’ve never heard the term “table scatter”, it’s used to describe small objects that are meant to decorate a table. But, they are also great for toddler activities. Another word for them is “manipulatives”. If you think back to your Kindergarten days, you might remember those red counting bears. Those are math manipulatives shaped like bears.

As long as you have some small object, they are really quite versatile. You can get math manipulatives from an educational store, small erasers from an office supply store, or table scatter from the dollar store. Here are some ideas to get you started:


Counting Sheet

This page can be found in the Toddler Curriulum.

Use these awesome table scatter activities to teach your toddlers math


These pumpkins are sorted by color, but depending on the table scatter you use, you can sort by size, shape, type, etc.

Use these awesome table scatter activities to teach toddlers math

Make Letters

For this toddler activity, make a letter, then have your toddler make his letter next to yours. You could also draw a letter on a piece of paper and put the table scatter over the drawing.

Use these unique table scatter activities to teach your toddlers math

Clip Cards

Manipulatives are perfect for clip cards!

Use these unique table scatter activities to teach toddlers math


This is repeatedly one of my toddler’s favorite activities. Just pour the table scatter from one bowl to another.

Use these fun table scatter activities to teach toddlers math


Use kid tweezers to put one pumpkin into each spot in the ice cube tray. This is great for one-to-one correspondence!

Use these fun table scatter activities to teach your toddlers math

Do-a-Dot Pages

This particular do-a-dot page comes from my Toddler Curriculum, but you can use table scatter, or math manipulatives, on pretty much any do-a-dot page.

Find out how to use these table scatter activities to teach toddlers math

Free Play

Let your toddler use their creativity, and come up with any type of game they choose!

Find out how to use these great table scatter activities to teach your toddlers math

Sensory Bin Treasure hunt

Another favorite activity with my toddler is searching for items in a sensory bin. Maybe it’s just because I call it a treasure hunt, but he loves this no matter what the objects are.

Find out how to use these table scatter activities to teach your toddlers math

Fine Motor

Parmesan cheese containers are great for fine motor practice! Putting an object (like table scatter) into the small opening requires a lot of hand-eye coordination.

Find out how to use these great table scatter activities to teach toddlers math


Use an ice cream scoop, a melon baller, or a regular kitchen spoon. Your child will learn to control a spoon in no time.

Learn how to use these awesome table scatter activities to teach toddlers math


Use a small broom to sweep table scatter into a taped off area.

Learn how to use these awesome table scatter activities to teach your toddlers math

Matching Numbers

Write numerals on a piece of paper. Use a sharpie to draw dots on table scatter. Match the object with the correct number of dots to the correct numeral.

Discover how to use these fun table scatter activities to teach toddlers math


Since I had pumpkins, I glued them onto a green paper with vines drawn on it. There are numerous possibilities depending on the type of manipulatives you have.

Discover how to use these fun table scatter activities to teach your toddlers math


Use a pattern board or just make patterns on a table.

Discover how to use these table scatter activities to teach toddlers math

Montessori Counting

Math manipulatives are absolutely perfect for Montessori Counting!

Discover how to use these table scatter activities to teach your toddlers math

If you ever wanted to buy some cute table scatter for your toddler, but didn’t know how to use them, then hesitate no longer. These 15 toddler activities teach counting, creativity, fine motor, and visual discrimination. If you don’t know where to buy table scatter, check Amazon, Oriental Trading, the Target dollar spot, the dollar store, Hobby Lobby, and Micheal’s. If you keep an eye out, especially during holidays, you’re sure to find a table scatter that your toddler loves.